Say hello to new perks and deals! Filmplace is partnering up with Grab and KrisFlyer to offer you more savings and discounts whenever you make a booking on our platform!
With every amount earned on Filmplace, you get 1 point each.
For Host:
Every SGD 10 earned, you get 1 point.
For PRO Host:
For every SGD 5 earned, you get 1 point.
For Brands:
For every SGD 1 earned, you get 1 point.
How to redeem your points:
- Go to Points Shop and select the item/voucher.
- Number of points will be indicated during redemption. If it is a physical item, mailing address column will be prompted.
- Upon redemption, your points will be deducted immediately and your vouchers/item will be sent to your mailing address.
Accumulated points will only have a validity period of 1 year. However, if you earn points anytime within 1 year, you will be able to keep your balance.